173 entries « 3 of 4 »


Quintero, Antonia M. Reina; Bonilla, Miguel Toro; Valderrama, Jesús Torres

Generating Domain Specific Aspect Code for Navigation from Platform Specific Models in MWACSL Proceedings Article

In: Moreira, Ana; Cabal, María José Suárez; Riva, Claudio; Tuya, Javier (Ed.): XIII Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2008), Gijón, Spain, October 7-10, 2008. Proceedings, pp. 385–390, 2008.


Fantacci, Romano; Maccari, Leonardo; Ayuso, Pablo Neira; Gasca, Rafael M.

Efficient packet filtering in wireless ad hoc networks Journal Article

In: IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 104–110, 2008.

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T., Fernando De Rosa; Gasca, Rafael M.

Automatic extraction of social networks by topics of interest Journal Article

In: Int. J. Comput. Appl. Technol., vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 292–299, 2008.

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Hidalgo, Sergio Pozo; Ceballos, Rafael; Gasca, Rafael Martinez

Fast Algorithms for Consistency-Based Diagnosis of Firewall Rule Sets Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the The Third International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2008, March 4-7, 2008, Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona , Spain, pp. 229–236, IEEE Computer Society, 2008.

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Ayuso, Pablo Neira; Lefèvre, Laurent; Barbaron, Denis; Gasca, Rafael M.

Towards a Dependable Architecture for Highly Available Internet Services Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the The Third International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2008, March 4-7, 2008, Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona , Spain, pp. 422–427, IEEE Computer Society, 2008.

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Ayuso, Pablo Neira; Gasca, Rafael M.; Lefèvre, Laurent

Multiprimary Support for the Availability of Cluster-Based Stateful Firewalls Using FT-FW Proceedings Article

In: Jajodia, Sushil; López, Javier (Ed.): Computer Security - ESORICS 2008, 13th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Málaga, Spain, October 6-8, 2008. Proceedings, pp. 1–17, Springer, 2008.

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Pozo, Sergio; Ceballos, Rafael; Gasca, Rafael M.

AFPL, an Abstract Language Model for Firewall ACLs Proceedings Article

In: Gervasi, Osvaldo; Murgante, Beniamino; Laganà, Antonio; Taniar, David; Mun, Youngsong; Gavrilova, Marina L. (Ed.): Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2008, International Conference, Perugia, Italy, June 30 - July 3, 2008, Proceedings, Part II, pp. 468–483, Springer, 2008.

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Ayuso, Pablo Neira; Lefèvre, Laurent; Gasca, Rafael Martinez

hFT-FW: Hybrid Fault-Tolerance for Cluster-Based Stateful Firewalls Proceedings Article

In: 14th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, ICPADS 2008, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, December 8-10, 2008, pp. 525–532, IEEE Computer Society, 2008.

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Ayuso, Pablo Neira; Gasca, Rafael Martinez; Maccari, Leonardo; Lefèvre, Laurent

Stateful Firewalling for Wireless Mesh Networks Proceedings Article

In: Aggarwal, Akshai; Badra, Mohamad; Massacci, Fabio (Ed.): NTMS 2008, 2nd International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, November 5-7, 2008, Tangier, Morocco, pp. 1–5, IEEE, 2008.

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Ayuso, Pablo Neira; Gasca, Rafael Martinez; Lefèvre, Laurent

FT-FW: Efficient Connection Failover in Cluster-based Stateful Firewalls Proceedings Article

In: 16th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2008), 13-15 February 2008, Toulouse, France, pp. 573–580, IEEE Computer Society, 2008.

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Hidalgo, Sergio Pozo; Ceballos, Rafael; Gasca, Rafael Martinez

A Heuristic Polynomial Algorithm for Local Inconsistency Diagnosis in Firewall Rule Sets Proceedings Article

In: Fernández-Medina, Eduardo; Malek, Manu; Hernando, Javier (Ed.): SECRYPT 2008, Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, Porto, Portugal, July 26-29, 2008, SECRYPT is part of ICETE - The International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications, pp. 430–441, INSTICC Press, 2008.


Pozo, Sergio; Ceballos, Rafael; Gasca, Rafael M.

Firewall Rule Set Inconsistency Characterization by Clustering Proceedings Article

In: Rodríguez, Alfonso; Valle, Mariemma Inmaculada Yagüe; Fernández-Medina, Eduardo (Ed.): Security in Information Systems, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, WOSIS 2008, In conjunction with ICEIS 2008, Barcelona, Spain, June 2008, pp. 138–144, INSTICC Press, 2008.


Hidalgo, Sergio Pozo; Ceballos, Rafael; Gasca, Rafael M.; Varela-Vaca, Angel Jesus

Polynomial Heuristic Algorithms for Inconsistency Characterization in Firewall Rule Sets Proceedings Article

In: Cotton, André; Dini, Oana; Gómez-Skarmeta, Antonio Fernandez; Ion, Mihaela; Popescu, Manuela; Takesue, Masaru (Ed.): Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies, SECURWARE 2008, August 25-31, 2008, Cap Esterel, France, pp. 53–61, IEEE Computer Society, 2008.

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Hidalgo, Sergio Pozo; Ceballos, Rafael; Gasca, Rafael M.; Varela-Vaca, Angel Jesus

Fast Algorithms for Local Inconsistency Detection in Firewall ACL Updates Proceedings Article

In: Cotton, André; Dini, Oana; Gómez-Skarmeta, Antonio Fernandez; Ion, Mihaela; Popescu, Manuela; Takesue, Masaru (Ed.): Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies, SECURWARE 2008, August 25-31, 2008, Cap Esterel, France, pp. 381–390, IEEE Computer Society, 2008.

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Quintero, Antonia M. Reina; Valderrama, Jesús Torres

Using Aspect-orientation Techniques to Improve Reuse of Metamodels Journal Article

In: Electron. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci., vol. 163, no. 2, pp. 29–43, 2007.

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Quintero, Antonia M. Reina; Valderrama, Jesús Torres; Bonilla, Miguel Toro

Improving the Adaptation of Web Applications to Different Versions of Software with MDA Proceedings Article

In: Casteleyn, Sven; Daniel, Florian; Dolog, Peter; Matera, Maristella; Houben, Geert-Jan; Troyer, Olga De (Ed.): Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Adaptation and Evolution in Web Systems Engineering AEWSE'07, Como, Italy, July 19, 2007, CEUR-WS.org, 2007.

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Pozo, Sergio; Ceballos, Rafael; Gasca, Rafael M.

CSP-Based Firewall Rule Set Diagnosis using Security Policies Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the The Second International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2007, The International Dependability Conference - Bridging Theory and Practice, April 10-13 2007, Vienna, Austria, pp. 723–729, IEEE Computer Society, 2007.

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Maccari, Leonardo; Fantacci, Romano; Ayuso, Pablo Neira; Gasca, Rafael Martinez

Mesh Network Firewalling with Bloom Filters Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2007, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 24-28 June 2007, pp. 1546–1551, IEEE, 2007.

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Ceballos, Rafael; Gómez-López, María Teresa; Gasca, Rafael M.; Valle, Carmelo Del

A compiled model for faults diagnosis based on different techniques Journal Article

In: AI Commun., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 7–16, 2007.

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Gasca, Rafael M.; Valle, Carmelo Del; Gómez-López, María Teresa; Ceballos, Rafael

NMUS: Structural Analysis for Improving the Derivation of All MUSes in Overconstrained Numeric CSPs Proceedings Article

In: Borrajo, Daniel; Castillo, Luis A.; Corchado, Juan M. (Ed.): Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 12th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, CAEPIA 2007, Salamanca, Spain, November 12-16, 2007. Selected Papers, pp. 160–169, Springer, 2007.

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Gutiérrez, Javier J.; Escalona, María J.; Mejías, Manuel; Quintero, Antonia M. Reina

Modelos de Pruebas para Pruebas del Sistemas Proceedings Article

In: Vallecillo, Antonio; Pelechano, Vicente; Estévez, Antonio (Ed.): Actas del Taller sobre Desarrollo de Software Dirigido por Modelos. MDA y Aplicaciones. Sitges, Spain, October 3, 2006, CEUR-WS.org, 2006.

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Ceballos, Rafael; Gasca, Rafael Martinez; Borrego, Diana

Constraint satisfaction techniques for diagnosing errors in design by contract software Journal Article

In: ACM SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes, vol. 31, no. 2, 2006.

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Ayuso, Pablo Neira; Lefèvre, Laurent; Gasca, Rafael M.

High Availability support for the design of stateful networking equipments Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the The First International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2006, The International Dependability Conference - Bridging Theory and Practice, April 20-22 2006, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, pp. 254–261, IEEE Computer Society, 2006.

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Ceballos, Rafael; Gómez-López, María Teresa; Gasca, Rafael Martinez; Valle, Carmelo Del

An integration of model-based techniques for determining the minimal diagnosis Journal Article

In: Inteligencia Artif., vol. 10, no. 31, pp. 41–52, 2006.

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Gómez-López, María Teresa; Gasca, Rafael M.; Valle, Carmelo Del; Pozo, Sergio

Distributed Model-Based Diagnosis using Object-Relational Constraint Databases Proceedings Article

In: 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2006), 18-20 April 2006, Vienna, Austria, pp. 866–870, IEEE Computer Society, 2006.

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Gómez-López, María Teresa; Gasca, Rafael M.

Ampliación de la sintaxis y la semántica de SQL para el tratamiento de datos tipo restricción Proceedings Article

In: Santos, José Cristóbal Riquelme; Botella, Pere (Ed.): XI Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2006), Octubre 3-6, 2006, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 471–476, 2006.



Quintero, Antonia M. Reina; Valderrama, Jesús Torres

Implicaciones de Transformaciones Oblicuas en el Desarrollo de un Framework Generador de Aplicaciones Orientadas a Aspectos Proceedings Article

In: Estévez, Antonio; Pelechano, Vicente; Vallecillo, Antonio (Ed.): Actas del Taller sobre Desarrollo Dirigido por Modelos, MDA y Aplicaciones, Granada, España, Septiembre 13, 2005, CEUR-WS.org, 2005.

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Abril, Luis González; Morente, Francisco Velasco; Gasca, Rafael M.

A study of the similarities between topics Journal Article

In: Comput. Stat., vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 465–479, 2005.

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Ortega-Ramírez, Juan Antonio; Gasca, Rafael Martinez; Valderrama, Jesús Torres; Bonilla, Miguel Toro; Abril, Luis González; Morente, Francisco Velasco; Bahón, Cecilio Angulo

Metodología Semicualitativa para Razonar sobre Sistemas Dinámicos Journal Article

In: Computación y Sistemas, vol. 8, no. 3, 2005.

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Ceballos, Rafael; Cejudo, Victor; Gasca, Rafael M.; Valle, Carmelo Del

A Topological-Based Method for Allocating Sensors by Using CSP Techniques Proceedings Article

In: Marín, Roque; Onaindia, Eva; Bugarín, Alberto; Reyes, José Santos (Ed.): Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 11th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, CAEPIA 2005, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, November 16-18, 2005, Revised Selected Papers, pp. 62–68, Springer, 2005.

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Ceballos, Rafael; Gasca, Rafael M.; Valle, Carmelo Del; Borrego, Diana

Diagnosing Errors in DbC Programs Using Constraint Programming Proceedings Article

In: Marín, Roque; Onaindia, Eva; Bugarín, Alberto; Reyes, José Santos (Ed.): Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 11th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, CAEPIA 2005, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, November 16-18, 2005, Revised Selected Papers, pp. 200–210, Springer, 2005.

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Gasca, Rafael M.; Valle, Carmelo Del; Cejudo, Victor; Barba, Irene

Improving the Computational Efficiency in Symmetrical Numeric Constraint Satisfaction Problems Proceedings Article

In: Marín, Roque; Onaindia, Eva; Bugarín, Alberto; Reyes, José Santos (Ed.): Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 11th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, CAEPIA 2005, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, November 16-18, 2005, Revised Selected Papers, pp. 269–279, Springer, 2005.

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Abad, Pedro J.; Suárez, Antonio J.; Gasca, Rafael M.; Ortega, Juan Antonio

Diagnosis of a Chopper Controlled DC Motor by Boosting Proceedings Article

In: 2005 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling Control and Automation (CIMCA 2005), International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce (IAWTIC 2005), 28-30 November 2005, Vienna, Austria, pp. 568–575, IEEE Computer Society, 2005.

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Ceballos, Rafael; Pozo, Sergio; Valle, Carmelo Del; Gasca, Rafael M.

An Integration of FDI and DX Techniques for Determining the Minimal Diagnosis in an Automatic Way Proceedings Article

In: Gelbukh, Alexander F.; Albornoz, Alvaro; Terashima-Marín, Hugo (Ed.): MICAI 2005: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 4th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Monterrey, Mexico, November 14-18, 2005, Proceedings, pp. 1082–1092, Springer, 2005.

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Rosa, F. T.; Gómez-López, María Teresa; Gasca, Rafael M.

Analysis and Visualization of the DX Community with Information Extracted from the Web Proceedings Article

In: Andersen, Kim Viborg; Debenham, John K.; Wagner, Roland R. (Ed.): Database and Expert Systems Applications, 16th International Conference, DEXA 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 22-26, 2005, Proceedings, pp. 726–735, Springer, 2005.

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Gómez-López, María Teresa; Gasca, Rafael M.; Valle, Carmelo Del; Rosa, F. T.

Querying a Polynomial Object-Relational Constraint Database in Model-Based Diagnosis Proceedings Article

In: Andersen, Kim Viborg; Debenham, John K.; Wagner, Roland R. (Ed.): Database and Expert Systems Applications, 16th International Conference, DEXA 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 22-26, 2005, Proceedings, pp. 848–857, Springer, 2005.

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Gómez-López, María Teresa; Gasca, Rafael M.; Valle, Carmelo Del; Cejudo, Victor

ORCDB: Arquitectura para la extensión de la semántica de SQL en bases de datos restrictivas orientadas a objetos con restricciones polinómicas de igualdad Proceedings Article

In: Álvarez, José Ambrosio Toval; Núñez, Juan Hernández (Ed.): Actas de las X Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2005), September 14-16, 2005, Granada, Spain, pp. 221–230, Thomson, 2005.



Quintero, Antonia M. Reina; Torres, Jesús

Components + Aspects: A General Overview Journal Article

In: Rev. Colomb. de Computación, vol. 5, no. 1, 2004.

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Gómez-López, María Teresa; Ceballos, Rafael; Gasca, Rafael M.; Valle, Carmelo Del

Applying Constraint Databases in the Determination of Potential Minimal Conflicts to Polynomial Model-based Diagnosis Proceedings Article

In: Kuijpers, Bart; Revesz, Peter Z. (Ed.): Constraint Databases, Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Applications of Constraint Databases, CDB'04, Paris, France, June 12-13, 2004, pp. 75–89, Springer, 2004.

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Gómez-López, María Teresa; Ceballos, Rafael; Gasca, Rafael M.; Pozo, Sergio

Determination of Possible Minimal Conflict Sets Using Constraint Databases Technology and Clustering Proceedings Article

In: Lemaître, Christian; García, Carlos A. Reyes; González, Jesús A. (Ed.): Advances in Artificial Intelligence - IBERAMIA 2004, 9th Ibero-American Conference on AI, Puebla, Mexico, November 22-26, 2004, Proceedings, pp. 942–952, Springer, 2004.

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Pozo, Sergio; Gasca, Rafael M.; Gómez-López, María Teresa

Securing Mobile Agent Based Tele-Assistance Systems Proceedings Article

In: Camarinha-Matos, Luis M. (Ed.): Tele-Care and Collaborative Virtual Communities in Elderly Care, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Tele-Care and Collaborative Virtual Communities in Elderly Care, TELECARE 2004, In conjunction with ICEIS 2004, Porto, Portugal, April 2004, pp. 63–72, INSTICC Press, 2004.



Quintero, Antonia M. Reina; Valderrama, Jesús Torres; Toro, Miguel; Álvarez, Juan Antonio

Concerns vs Components for Web Development Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2003, ICWI 2003, Algarve, Portugal, November 5-8, 2003, pp. 873–876, IADIS, 2003.


Quintero, Antonia M. Reina; Valderrama, Jesús Torres; Escalona, M. José; Ortega, Juan Antonio

Revisiting Requirements in Web Modelling Languages Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2003, ICWI 2003, Algarve, Portugal, November 5-8, 2003, pp. 1065–1067, IADIS, 2003.


Escalona, M. José; Torres, Jesús; Mejías, Manuel; Quintero, Antonia M. Reina

NDT-Tool: A Case Tool to Deal with Requirements in Web Information Systems Proceedings Article

In: Lovelle, Juan Manuel Cueva; Rodríguez, Bernardo Martín González; Aguilar, Luis Joyanes; Gayo, José Emilio Labra; Ruíz, María Puerto Paule (Ed.): Web Engineering, International Conference, ICWE 2003, Oviedo, Spain, July 14-18, 2003, Proceedings, pp. 212–213, Springer, 2003.

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Escalona, M. José; Mejías, Manuel; Torres, Jesús; Quintero, Antonia M. Reina

The NDT Development Process Proceedings Article

In: Lovelle, Juan Manuel Cueva; Rodríguez, Bernardo Martín González; Aguilar, Luis Joyanes; Gayo, José Emilio Labra; Ruíz, María Puerto Paule (Ed.): Web Engineering, International Conference, ICWE 2003, Oviedo, Spain, July 14-18, 2003, Proceedings, pp. 463–467, Springer, 2003.

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Valle, Carmelo Del; Gasca, Rafael M.; Toro, Miguel; Camacho, Eduardo F.

A Genetic Algorithm for Assembly Sequence Planning Proceedings Article

In: Mira, José; Álvarez, José R. (Ed.): Artificial Neural Nets Problem Solving Methods, 7th International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks, IWANN2003, Maó, Menorca, Spain, June 3-6, 2003 Proceedings, Part II, pp. 337–344, Springer, 2003.

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Valle, Carmelo Del; Márquez, Antonio A.; Gasca, Rafael M.; Toro, Miguel

On Selecting and Scheduling Assembly Plans Using Constraint Programming Proceedings Article

In: Palade, Vasile; Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C. (Ed.): Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 7th International Conference, KES 2003, Oxford, UK, September 3-5, 2003, Proceedings, Part II, pp. 1329–1336, Springer, 2003.

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Ceballos, Rafael; Valle, Carmelo Del; Gómez-López, María Teresa; Gasca, Rafael M.

CSP aplicados a la diagnosis basada en modelos Journal Article

In: Inteligencia Artif., vol. 7, no. 20, pp. 137–150, 2003.

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Gómez-López, María Teresa; Gasca, Rafael M.; Valle, Carmelo Del; Ceballos, Rafael

CSP y Bases de Datos Restrictivas Journal Article

In: Inteligencia Artif., vol. 7, no. 20, pp. 151–163, 2003.

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Gómez-López, María Teresa; Gasca, Rafael M.; Valle, Carmelo Del; Ceballos, Rafael

Arquitectura para la Consulta a Bases de Datos Restrictivas Proceedings Article

In: Pimentel, Ernesto; Brisaboa, Nieves R.; Gómez, Jaime (Ed.): VIII Jornadas Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2003), 12-14 Noviembre 2003, Alicante, pp. 593–602, 2003.


173 entries « 3 of 4 »